Thanks for Sharing

I don’t know which someone(s) linked our blog to their Facebook page, but we wanted to say…

It was our biggest single day for traffic. It’s great to share the chronicle of our Memorial Garden with others; it’s even better when it helps to spread the word about the good work done at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary.  From what I hear, they have their hands full with the arrival of nearly 20 new dogs this week.

I took the opportunity to bridge the weekend with the 4th of July holiday for five days off of work. Two of them spent in the Gardens working with Maria. I don’t know how many loads of dirt I moved to level out ruts in the paths, but my feet might be able to tell you:

On Monday, we met a whole new group of dog walkers and dogs, including Goldie,


and Isis.

Funny. The dog walkers are just as camera-shy on the weekdays as they are on the weekend. Maria too. Can you spot her here?

Everything else was happily showing off. Bunnies…

birds nests…

and this beauty from the rose garden, which unfolds from deep yellow with a hint of orange, to bright yellow, and then a pale cream.

These country garden beds look so bright and full right now, especially since the Crape Myrtles came into bloom. With luck (and many more loads of dirt and mulch) we’ll have the paths and grassy areas looking equally as good this fall.

On behalf of the many dogs waiting to be adopted at Homeward Bound – thanks for visiting and sharing our blog with others!

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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

9 thoughts on “Thanks for Sharing”

  1. I am both jealous and appreciative of your and Maria’s gardening time (not to mention energy). Yours look like runner feet. I didn’t even know we had Crepe Myrtles! Deb’s Dahlias are stunning. Your creativity with this blog just continues to grow. Glad it is drawing heartprints for the dogs. I have learned once one has two, it is easy to imagine three. (I will leave it to my imagination for now LOL.) I am back to reading blogs, taking advantage of a rare 10 minutes puppy Cooper is sleeping on my bed at the same time as Brock and our cats.

    1. Cooper is lucky to have found you and your family. He’ll be settled in before you know it, and then both Cooper and Brock can visit with us while we garden!
      Until then…all is good!

    2. Sue,

      We’re looking forward to seeing you and your crew in the garden soon. I found a quick way of cleaning out your fountain by putting in a pump with a 1/2 inch hose attached to the end. It works pretty quick. I’ll show you the next time you are out there. We need a long extension cord too to connect to the electrical outlet at the front of the garden

  2. I love the picture of your dog with the thank you sign. What an imagination you have. I would never have seen the three colors of the same rose within the same space if you hadn’t pointed it out to me. I was so busy just dead-heading all the roses in the garden.

    1. What exactly is Pinterest? I just went to the website and am trying to see what it is all about. Perhaps I am behind the times.

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