Despite the rain last week, it looks like more than half the work on the irrigation installation was completed at the Homeward Bound Memorial Gardens. A giant trench digger cut quick paths through the clay soil; however those that were not finished are now filled with water. Thankfully, the Sacramento forecast calls for sunshine all week. Fingers crossed that the crew can finish.

The paths that were so cleanly manicured two weeks ago look a little worse for wear as a result.  It is a small price to pay to ensure water for thirsty plantings this summer.

The plants did not mind the rain at all. The perennial garden we planted last weekend is thriving. I added the Gaillardia and Delphinium today. The colors are so rich. I can’t wait to see them set off against Deb’s Dahlia’s this summer.

The trees have all leafed out, and the roses along the fence are beginning to bloom.

Maria’s snow peas are making good progress, and luckily appear either undiscovered, or unappealing, to bunnies.

With the warm sun shining, there were lots of volunteer walkers and dogs coming through the garden today.  They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are what Homeward Bound refers to as “Fool’s Gold” – not-quite Goldens who find their way to this sanctuary. One of them is Chester, apparently from champion hunting stock, this Lab boy desperately needs to find a home. You can see pictures of him here, and read about him at Available Goldens. Much as I enjoy his company in the garden, it’s clear that he would be much happier in an open field with a job and a mission in mind. I hope this loyal pup finds an equally dedicated human soon.

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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

2 thoughts on “”

    1. There’s no better combination than gardens and Goldens…except maybe bees and gardens! Your blog is great!

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